Empowering your Intuition
Tarot from Scratch
Are you intrigued by the mystical world of tarot but feel overwhelmed or uncertain where to begin? You’re in the right place! Tarot from Scratch is your compass on the journey to unlocking the secrets of tarot reading.
Welcome Aspiring Tarot Readers!
I am so glad you’re here to learn how to read tarot cards from your intuition instead of a book!
At Tarot from Scratch, we understand the initial hesitations and uncertainties of diving into tarot reading. Our mission is to empower newcomers by nurturing their intuition, harnessing the wisdom of astrology, and embracing the transformative power of journaling.
What is a vision board and how to make one
I recently came across the idea of a fall vision board. I love vision boards, but I never considered making…
Using Tarot Cards and Affirmations to Boost Self-Confidence
Have you ever wished that you felt more self-confident? I have, and I want to share with you a couple…
The Heart of the Matter Tarot Spread is fantastic
My Experience with the Six Card Heart Tarot Spread Today, I did awesome tarot reading for a close friend. Let’s…
3 Card tarot spreads for beginners
Are you fascinated by how tarot readings can help you see things about yourself that you didn’t even know? Let’s…
The Justice Tarot Card Explained
Have you ever wondered about the Justice Tarot Card? They keywords that go with this card are fairness, truth, and…
5 Tips For An Accurate Tarot Reading
Tarot readings will give you a lot to think about and steps to help you meet your goals. If you…
How we can help you
Intuitive Guidance: Learn to trust your intuition as the cornerstone of your tarot practice. Discover how to interpret cards based on your unique insights.
Astrological Insights: Explore how astrology intertwines with tarot, enhancing your readings and providing deeper layers of understanding.
Journaling Prompts: Unleash the potential of journaling as a tool for reflection, growth, and refining your tarot skills.
Get your Free Guide Now!
This litte workbook includes:
- easily accessible reference guide for Tarot keywords
- keywords are easier to understand and remember
- enhances learning with upright and reverse keywords
- allows you to quickly gain confidence
- includes several keywords for each card
- allows variance in readings using different keywords
- just a foundation until you can rely on your intuition