Have you ever wished that you felt more self-confident? I have, and I want to share with you a couple of things that have helped me. I use my tarot cards and combine them with my affirmation cards.
Tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards full of symbols and images that can help you understand yourself better when you ask the right questions. Affirmation cards are cards that have positive thoughts on them to help you get through hard times, motivate you, or make you feel better about yourself.
Self-confidence and personal growth are so important because they affect every part of our life. We need to be confident in ourselves so that we don't question our decisions every second of the day. When we feel more self-confident, we can reach our personal goals.
For example, a few years ago I was trying to lose weight and I was seeing a nutritionist. She taught me how to eat better and make good choices so that I could lose the weight. As I started using the tools she gave me, which included positive affirmations, I started to feel more confident about my ability to lose weight successfully, and that just made me feel better about myself overall.

Understanding Tarot Cards
What Are Tarot Cards?
I think I explained a little bit about tarot cards: a deck of 78 cards that have images and symbols that can help you understand yourself better. Tarot decks are basically made of Major Arcana and Minor Arcana.
There are 22 major arcana cards that represent big life themes or journeys that you'll go through. Minor arcana cards are more about everyday things that happen. In the Minor Arcana, there are four suits like a deck of cards: Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles.
How Tarot Cards Work
When we're reading tarot cards, we want to look at the symbols and meanings. For example, the infinity sign is in several of the major arcana cards. The infinity sign represents something never-ending. On the Magician card, there's an infinity sign above his head that symbolizes balance or never ending cycles.
Tarot reading is about interpreting the images and symbols. Each card has a well-known and accepted meaning, which is good to have, especially when you're a beginner. However, as you become more experienced in reading the cards, you'll pick up on different interpretations based on the situation. What tarot cards are all about is what they mean to you. For example, the Tower card may mean a sudden horrible change for some, but for others, it might mean a swift end to something, opening opportunities to come back to yourself and look at new possibilities.
There are also several common misconceptions people have about using tarot cards. For example, one misconception is that tarot cards are evil. That simply isn't true; tarot cards are a way to help you understand yourself better, and there's nothing evil about that.
Another common misconception is that you should be gifted your first tarot deck. If you're interested in tarot and don't know anyone who reads tarot, it's perfectly okay to buy your first deck. I bought my first deck, and that way, I made sure I got what I connected to. .

Setting Intentions and Preparing for Readings
Before we do a tarot reading, it's good to set our intentions. This means thinking about what we want to learn or focus on. For self-confidence, we might ask how to feel more sure of ourselves.
It helps to be more specific than asking how we can feel more sure of ourselves. A better, more specific question might be “What can I do to make myself feel more sure of myself when I am having a problem at work.”
We can create a calm space for our readings. This helps us connect with the cards better. We might light a candle or play soft music.
It's important to trust our gut feelings when we look at the cards. Sometimes the meanings we see are more important than what the books say. Our subconscious mind often knows what we need to hear. It is our job to listen to that intuition, because there is a lesson to learn there.
We can also use affirmations with our tarot practice. Affirmations are positive statements that can help boost our confidence. For example, if we draw the Strength card, we might say, “I am strong and capable.”
Joining my Facebook group is another resource to learn more about tarot and manifesting.
Understanding Affirmations
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive phrases that you say to yourself, kind of like a mantra. People use them all the time to help them get through tricky situations or to feel better about themselves.
The real goal of using affirmations for personal development is to say phrases about a particular thing that you want to feel better about. For example, if you are trying to find a better work-life balance, you could say to yourself, “I am capable of balancing my work life and my home life.” There is a lot of science behind using positive affirmations, and psychologists support the idea of people using positive affirmations to help them feel better about themselves or situations.
How Affirmations Work
Affirmations work by rewiring your brain. Your brain is flexible and adapts to the ways you do things or how you think. When you're saying positive affirmations every day, it's like rewiring your brain to think more positively about yourself. Positive affirmations also reinforce your self-perceptions.If you want to feel better about your ability to lose weight, reading affirmations about making good food choices will help build new pathways in your brain and you will start thinking about what foods to eat when you are hungry.
Crafting Affirmations with Tarot Insights

Tarot cards can help us create powerful, personal affirmations. We'll explore how to use tarot to boost our confidence and self-belief through positive statements.
Connection Between Tarot Cards and Affirmations
We know that by using our tarot cards, we gain personal insights and thoughts that we may not have had without them. Tarot cards help us see things from a new perspective, providing clarity about situations and more self-awareness. Another way we can use tarot cards is to help us identify our personal strengths. A simple way to do this is to ask your tarot cards, “What are my strengths?” Then, take three cards and interpret what they mean. You can also use tarot cards to help figure out where you could use some self-growth and then start building a plan on how to make that growth happen.
Aligning Tarot and Affirmations
The most beneficial way to use affirmations is to draw a card daily.
When you're getting ready to pull your affirmation for the day, sit down and breathe in and out for a few minutes. Center yourself and open your mind to what the universe has to share with you for the day. You can make this as elaborate or as simple as you want. Some people might want to light some candles, have some incense burning, and have their journal ready to write about their affirmation.
If you're like me and you pull it in the morning but are off to work, you might not have enough time for that. You might just take a couple of grounding breaths, pick up your deck, and ask the universe, “What do I need for today?” You can read that affirmation to yourself or out loud and either carry that card with you all day so that when you need a refresher, it's with you, or just remember the card and repeat it to yourself over time. For myself, since I can't remember anything, I carry my card with me. When I'm at work, I put it on my desk where I can see it and look at it and repeat it as many times as I need.
You can also use your tarot cards to create affirmations. For example, if you pull the Empress card, known for being strong and nurturing, you might create an affirmation that says, “I can nurture myself and others.” That's a simple way to create an affirmation.
Benefits of Combining Tarot Cards and Affirmations
As we've discussed, you can boost self-esteem by using tarot just by asking, “What do I need to know for the day?” Tarot can help you understand what you are thinking that day to help you get through situations.
If you are going into a big meeting and think it might be challenging, you can ask the universe, “What can I do to keep my meeting positive?” and use the tarot card information to help you through the meeting. Another benefit of using tarot cards is for personal growth and self-belief. We know that we have different mindsets and attitudes about things, and repeating positive affirmations can solidify that mindset and attitude. If there's a mindset or attitude you want to change, using tarot cards and affirmations together daily will help you make those changes. This combination can be transformative. Use the tarot card to find out what you need to know for the meeting, and then set an affirmation to help you get through it.
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
One of the mistakes early tarot readers make is misinterpreting card meanings. To improve your interpretation, establish a good routine for learning the cards. Trying to memorize all the meanings often isn't the best way. Once you understand the cards, it's better to use your intuition to understand what the card is telling you.
Another mistake is being inconsistent in your tarot readings. Inconsistent practice won't benefit your learning. Here are a couple of strategies for maintaining a regular tarot and affirmation routine: put it in your planner every day and set a specific time to sit with your tarot and affirmation cards. I try to plan my day ahead of time, so I can see where in my day where tarot and affirmations can fit. If it's on your calendar, you are more likely to do it.
Another tip to use tarot cards and affirmation cards together is to make it part of a routine. I like to do my readings in the morning, before I start my day. I know that after I make my coffee (I love coffee), I am going to sit down and do my reading.
Another common error is using negative self-talk. When you catch yourself thinking, “I can't believe I did that. That's so stupid,” replace that thought with, “Everyone makes mistakes, and I can learn from them to grow.” If you notice a negative thought, pull out an affirmation card and see if the positive affirmation can replace the negative thought. This practice will help you change your mindset and grow your confidence.
Creating Personalized Affirmations
We can use tarot cards to make affirmations that really speak to us. Pick a card that catches your eye or matches how you're feeling. Look at the image and think about what it means to you.
After you have spent a couple of minutes studying the card and meditating on an affirmation, write that affirmation down in your journal or an index card to carry around with you all day.
For example, if we draw the Sun card, we might say: “I shine brightly and bring joy to others.” The Strength card could inspire: “I am strong and can handle any challenge.”
These affirmations feel special because they come from our own insights about the cards.
Connecting Cards to Life Areas
Different tarot cards can help us focus on specific parts of our lives. We can use them to make affirmations for love, health, success, and more.
Here's a quick guide:
- Cups cards → Relationships and feelings
- Pentacles cards → Money and work
- Wands cards → Creativity and growth
- Swords cards → Thoughts and choices
For instance, the Two of Cups might lead to: “I attract loving and balanced relationships.” The Ace of Pentacles could inspire: “I welcome new chances for success and wealth.”
Using Tarot for Daily Affirmations
We can make tarot-based affirmations part of our daily routine. This helps us stay positive and confident.
Try this simple method:
- Shuffle your tarot deck each morning
- Draw one tarot card
- Look at the image and think meditate on it's meaning
- Create a short, positive statement based on the card
- Repeat your affirmation throughout the day
This practice can help us start each day with a boost of self-belief. It also teaches us to find inspiration and wisdom in unexpected places.
Enhancing Your Affirmation Practice

Affirmations can be even more powerful when combined with other self-care practices. We'll explore some ways to deepen our affirmation work and boost our inner strength.
Incorporating Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation helps us focus on the present moment. We can start by finding a quiet spot and sitting comfortably. Take a few deep breaths to relax. As we breathe, we can repeat our chosen affirmation silently or out loud.
This meditation practice links our affirmations to a calm state of mind. We might set a timer for 5-10 minutes at first. With time, we can extend our sessions.
Mindfulness throughout the day is also key. We can pause and repeat our affirmation when we feel stressed or doubtful. This helps us stay positive and centered.
Journaling for Deeper Reflection
Writing down our thoughts can make affirmations more meaningful. We can start each day by writing our affirmation at the top of a journal page. Then, we can jot down how we feel and think about it.
Some questions to ask ourselves:
- How does this affirmation relate to my life right now?
- What steps can I take to make it more true for me?
- When have I felt this way before?
We can also note any changes we see in our thoughts or actions over time. This helps us track our growth and stay motivated. At the end of every month, reread your journal to see if you recognize any repeating patterns that you might need to address.
Also make sure you take the time to notice the growth you have made over the month. I find it very motivating to see how what I did over the month led to personal growth.
Visualizing and Manifesting Desires
Visualization adds power to our affirmations. We can close our eyes and picture ourselves living out our affirmation. What does it look like? How do we feel? What are we doing?

The more detailed our mental image, the better. We can use all our senses to make it feel real. Maybe we smell fresh air, hear encouraging words, or feel a warm hug.
We can also create a vision board with pictures that represent our affirmations. Seeing these images daily reminds us of our goals and keeps us focused on positive change.
Frequently Asked Questions
People often have questions about using tarot and affirmations for self-confidence. We'll cover some common ones here to help you get started on your journey.
Yes, pulling cards for ourselves can help us grow and feel more confident. It gives us a chance to reflect on our lives and choices. We can use the cards to set goals and track our progress. This self-reflection often leads to more self-awareness and belief in our abilities.
Some cards that often represent confidence and strength are:
The Sun: It stands for joy, success, and self-assurance.
Strength: This card shows inner power and courage.
The Emperor: It represents leadership and control.
The Magician: It symbolizes skill and the power to make things happen.
These cards can remind us of our own inner strength when we see them in a reading.
Combining affirmations with tarot can really boost our mental health. The cards give us insight, while affirmations help us focus on positive thoughts. This combo can lift our mood and help us feel more hopeful. It also gives us tools to cope with stress and negative self-talk.
A daily tarot and affirmation routine can be very helpful for building confidence. It gives us a regular time to check in with ourselves and set a positive tone for the day. Even a quick one-card draw with a matching affirmation can make a big difference. Over time, this practice can lead to lasting improvements in how we see ourselves.
Tarot cards can boost confidence by giving us new viewpoints on our lives. We can use the cards to spot our strengths and areas where we can grow. This insight helps us feel more sure of ourselves. Tarot also lets us tap into our inner wisdom, which can make us trust ourselves more.
Here are a few affirmations that work well with tarot:
“I am worthy of love and respect.”
“I trust my intuition and make wise choices.”
“I embrace my unique gifts and talents.”
“I am strong and capable of overcoming challenges.”
We can pick affirmations that match the cards we draw or how we're feeling that day
I hope you've seen how beneficial tarot cards and affirmations can be together. They will definitely help boost your self-confidence. I encourage you to start using both of these tools, daily if possible. You can combine them to help you develop and use opportunities for self-growth. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
Remember, we are using these tools to help us feel better about ourselves, discover things about ourselves, and improve our self-confidence. This process may take some time, but it is definitely worth it.
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