My Experience with the Six Card Heart Tarot Spread
Today, I did awesome tarot reading for a close friend. Let's call her Lexi. She's been feeling like there's a transition coming in her life, and I wanted to help her get a little more clarity on that. So, I did a six-card spread that I'm sure a lot of people have used. It's called the Six Card Heart of the Matter Tarot Spread.

What is The Six Card Heart of the matter Tarot Spread?
The Heart of the Matter Tarot Spread helps you figure out whatever issue you”re dealing with've got on your plate. It's great for when you feel stuck or confused and need to understand what's really happening.
The Spread Layout
The Present: This card goes in the center. It shows the main thing you need to focus on.
The Challenge: This card goes on top of the Present card. It shows you the challenge you are facing.
The Subconscious: This card goes below the Present. It can help you understand your subconscious. It can show why the issue is happening, or what is going on that you need to bring to light in order to deal with the challenge.
The Conscious: This card goes above The Present. It represents your conscious thoughts and feelings about what's happening.
The Past: This card goes to the left of the Present. It shows how past events have led to the current situation.
The Near Future: This card goes to the right of the Present. It shows what might happen next if things keep going the way they are, or what could happen if you do the work the challenge requires you to take.
The Heart of the Matter Tarot Spread is a powerful spread for understanding any issue you're facing. It helps you see the main problem, why it's happening, and how to deal with it. I hope you find this spread as helpful as I do.
The Cards and Their Meanings
Here is the tarot spread I did for Lexi. I used my favorite deck, The DruidCraft tarot deck. We are going to work through each card in the spread. I want to show you how well the Heart of the Matter tarot spread works.

The Present Card: The High Priestess
The first card I pulled today was the High Priestess, which is the present card. I was surprised, but not really. The High Priestess is all about using your intuition and believing in yourself, knowing that you have everything inside you that you need. For Lexi's upcoming transition, I feel like it's telling her to trust herself, trust her intuition, and do what's best for her.

The Challenge Card: Eight of Pentacles
The challenge card I pulled was the Eight of Pentacles, which shows a man working hard at his job or passion. I think this card was there to remind Lexi that she needs to be consistent. Right now, she is working on growing a business and her blog, and she haven't been as consistent she should be. The challenge card also works with the High Priestess card, showing that Lexi is still struggling with the logical part of her brain and the soulful part. She just need to take things one day at a time.

The Subconscious Card: Queen of Swords
The subconscious card was the Queen of Swords. In my Druid Craft Tarot deck, there's a bonsai tree behind and to the right of the Queen that I never noticed before. I wanted to know what that symbolized, so I looked it up. A bonsai tree symbolizes peace, tranquility, patience, and good fortune. I think her subconscious is telling her to live in her logical mind a little bit more and stop listening to her heart as much. She tends to live in her emotions and think about her feelings a lot, I believe the card is telling her that her logical part is already there, but she needs to work on bringing it out.

The Conscience Card: Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords is about living in your head and can be about conflict. Sometimes, Lexi wonders how hard she is willing to work for peace and tranquility in her blog and business. This card suggests that her conscience knows she getting closer to her goals, but she still has more work to do.

The Past Card: Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands, a fire sign card, is about taking action and being focused on what you're doing. In the past, Lexi has been very focused, but she told me she has kind of taken off the month of July. I feel like this card is a reminder that she needs to get back to being more consistent, focused, and taking more action.

The Near Future Card: Princess of Swords
The Princess of Swords, which is also called a Page in other decks, is about planning and getting started. It's not necessarily about taking action yet. It's about starting to think about the next steps and putting a plan in place.

I find it interesting that three Sword cards (the 7, Princess, and Queen) came up in this reading. Swords is an air sign that has a lot to do with thoughts. Also, two 8's came up , which are about being hopeful in the moment. It could als0 means.the moment she's been waiting for is just about to come to fruition. The 8's cards work well with the challenge card, telling me that Lexi is on the right track and close. She needs to be more consistent, proactive, and not wait for things to come to her. She needs to go out and grab the opportunities in front of her.
Joining my Facebook group is another resource to learn more about tarot and manifesting.
What advice did I offer?
After I finished this reading, I offered Lexi a few things that she could do to help her progress. I told her that she should use her inner strength and intuition to help her bring power (Queen of Swords) to her consciousness. There are a few journal prompts I gave her to help her bring that Queen of Swords forward. I also suggested that she keeps on going with all the action she has taken in the past. She needs to realize that this action will help her grow into her High Priestess as she becomes more confident in what she is doing.
The last thing I told her was that her conscious (7 of Swords), is in conflict with her challenge card (7 of Pentacles). One is all action, while the other is worrying and being in her head. Worrying isn't helping her move ahead, and it is in the way of her taking more action.
I suggested that she journal about all these thoughts and ideas to see if she could come to a more clarified place. This way, when her transition is happening, she will be ready.
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