Curious about how numerology can spice up your tarot readings? Numerology has been around for centuries, way before tarot cards even existed. We are going to look at how numerology and tarot go together, the meanings of the numbers, and different ways to add numerology to your tarot readings.

A woman using numerology to help her read her tarot cards.

Understanding numerology and Tarot

Numbers are everywhere, as we know. When we combine the numbers with our tarot cards, we get a deeper understanding of what each card means and how the numbers and the tarot cards can work together.

What is Tarot Numerology?

Tarot and numerology have been combined together for centuries. Numbers were first used in the ancient civilizations of the Greek, Egyptians and Babylonians. They have long been believed to have mystical or spiritual meaning. They can influence peoples lives. Money is calculated in numbers and that definitely has an influence over our lives.

I'm bringing it back to high school for a minute here. Do you remember the Pythagorean Theory? Well Pythagorus was well known for thinking that numbers were able to explain the universe. They had mystical meanings.

Numerology has been studied in every major era in history, including Early Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the 19th, 20th, and 21st century.

How will Numerology in tarot help you

I always want to know why I am doing something! Here are some ways that numerology will bring another level to your tarot readings.

If you are brand spanking new to tarot reading, this might be a bit overwhelming to you. I suggest you start at my Tarot 101 Guide. That post will give you a high level overview of tarot reading. Numerology is another layer, but you should know the basics of reading tarot cards first.

1. Enhanced Readings: Using numerology helps you get deeper into the meaningof the each card. For example, the number 1 symbolizes new beginnings and potential, adding another level of meaning to cards like The Magician or the Aces. This knowledge enriches your readings and provides more detailed and insightful interpretations.

2. Understanding Life Cycles: Numerology in tarot can show you patterns and cycles in your life. Recognizing these patterns can help you understand where you might need some extra TLC, and show you areas for growth and development. For example, if yo have a lot of 9s in a spread can mean that something is coming to a conclusion.

3. Improved Reading Accuracy: Knowing numerology will help make your readings more accurate. Numbers are concrete, which means you can understand them better. Since each number has a meaning, it gives you an opportunity to share more information with your clients and they will trust you more. If you are only reading for yourself, this is another tool you can use to build your intuition.

4. Deeper Connection with the Cards: Numerology helps you bond with your tarot deck better. Using the numbers helps you look beyond the pictures. If we look at the 3 of Swords, we see heartbreak. However 3's indicate creativity, communication, joy, and growth and expansion. This could mean that while the card shows heartache, but it also is an opportunity for growth. Maybe in maturing, or it could mean it's an opportunity to learn how to communicate more effectively.

The Meaning of Numbers in Numerology and Tarot

a mystical picture of a forest with flowers and numbers floating through the picture.

It's important to understand how each number connects with the tarot. Here is a description of what each number means as well as the connection to the tarot cards

Number 1

  • Numerology: The number 1 is all about new beginnings, leadership, and independence. It's the start of something fresh and exciting.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 1 is represented by cards like The Magician and the Aces. These cards symbolize potential, new opportunities, and the power to create your own path.

Number 2

  • Numerology: The number 2 is about partnership, balance, and cooperation. It emphasizes harmony and working well with others.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 2 is seen in cards like The High Priestess and the Twos (e.g., Two of Cups). These cards highlight intuition, duality, and relationships.

Number 3

  • Numerology: The number 3 signifies creativity, self-expression, and joy. It’s a lively, optimistic number.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 3 appears in cards like The Empress and the Threes (e.g., Three of Pentacles). These cards focus on growth, creativity, and collaboration.

Number 4

  • Numerology: The number 4 stands for stability, structure, and practicality. It’s about building solid foundations.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 4 is represented by cards like The Emperor and the Fours (e.g., Four of Wands). These cards emphasize order, stability, and achievement.

Number 5

  • Numerology: The number 5 is about change, adventure, and freedom. It encourages exploration and adaptability.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 5 shows up in cards like The Hierophant and the Fives (e.g., Five of Swords). These cards deal with challenges, learning experiences, and transformation.

Number 6

  • Numerology: The number 6 represents harmony, love, and responsibility. It’s a nurturing and caring number.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 6 is seen in cards like The Lovers and the Sixes (e.g., Six of Cups). These cards highlight relationships, balance, and emotional connections.

Number 7

  • Numerology: The number 7 is about introspection, spirituality, and wisdom. It’s a number that encourages deeper understanding.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 7 appears in cards like The Chariot and the Sevens (e.g., Seven of Pentacles). These cards focus on introspection, determination, and spiritual growth.

Number 8

  • Numerology: The number 8 stands for power, ambition, and success. It’s about achieving goals and manifesting abundance.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 8 is represented by cards like Strength and the Eights (e.g., Eight of Pentacles). These cards emphasize strength, hard work, and accomplishment.

Number 9

  • Numerology: The number 9 symbolizes completion, humanitarianism, and wisdom. It’s about reaching a culmination and sharing your knowledge.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 9 shows up in cards like The Hermit and the Nines (e.g., Nine of Cups). These cards highlight reflection, fulfillment, and the end of a cycle.

Number 10

  • Numerology: The number 10 represents completion and new beginnings, cycles coming to an end and starting afresh. It combines the independence of 1 and the potential of 0.
  • Tarot Connection: In tarot, the number 10 is seen in cards like The Wheel of Fortune and the Tens (e.g., Ten of Pentacles). These cards signify turning points, endings that lead to new beginnings, and cycles of life.
a woman sitting outside using numerology to help her with reading the tarot cards

Connecting Numerology and Tarot Reading

Now that we have a basic understanding of the numbers and the connection to tarot cards, it's time to have some fun. We are going to look at different ways we can use them both to add another layer to the tarot reading and learn more about ourselves.

Here are 3 ways you can quickly add numerology into your practice. And if you are reading for someone else, you can use this information to impress them, and learn a bit more about themselves.

How to Incorporate Numbers in Tarot Readings

  1. Life Path Number: This is the sum of your birth date. For example, if your birth date is April 15, 1990, you would add 4+1+5+1+9+9+0, which totals 29. Adding 2+9 gives you 11, and 1+1 results in 2. Here, 2 is your Life Path Number.
  2. Destiny Number: To calculate this, add the numbers of each letter in your full birth name using their numerical equivalents (A=1, B=2, etc.), and reduce the total to a single digit. Here is an example using my favorite teen idol. I may be dating myself a bit… Here is how to do it.
  3. Soul Urge Number: This number is derived from the vowels in your full birth name. It reveals your inner self and deepest desires.

Joining my Facebook group is another resource to learn more about tarot and manifesting.

What are These numbers?

You figure out your Life Path Number using your birth date. It gives you insigt about your personality, things that come naturally for you,Your life's purpose and the path you are going to take.

Example Meanings of Life Path Numbers:

  • 1: Leadership, independence, and originality. People with this number are often driven and ambitious.
  • 2: Cooperation, balance, and partnership. Individuals with this number are usually diplomatic and sensitive.
  • 3: Creativity, communication, and expression. Those with this number are often artistic and sociable.
  • 4: Stability, practicality, and hard work. People with this number are typically reliable and disciplined.
  • 5: Freedom, adventure, and change. Individuals with this number thrive on variety and excitement.
  • 6: Responsibility, nurturing, and harmony. Those with this number are often caring and family-oriented.
  • 7: Introspection, spirituality, and wisdom. People with this number are usually analytical and thoughtful.
  • 8: Power, ambition, and success. Individuals with this number are often driven to achieve and excel.
  • 9: Compassion, humanitarianism, and completion. Those with this number are often selfless and idealistic.
  • Master Numbers 11, 22, 33: These numbers have a special significance and indicate a higher level of spiritual awareness, potential, and responsibility.
a stack of numerology books surrounded by quartz crystals

Examples of Destiny Numbers

The Destiny Number shows what your path is meant to be in life. what your natural talents are, and what challenges you might face.

Destiny Number 1

  • Characteristics: Leadership, independence, and innovation.
  • Life Path: People with Destiny Number 1 are natural leaders, driven to stand out and take charge. They have a pioneering spirit and are often the first to try new things. Their path involves taking the initiative and carving their own way in life.

Destiny Number 2

  • Characteristics: Cooperation, diplomacy, and sensitivity.
  • Life Path: Those with Destiny Number 2 are peacemakers who thrive in cooperative environments. They are skilled at mediating conflicts and bringing people together. Their purpose is to create harmony and balance in their surroundings.

Destiny Number 3

  • Characteristics: Creativity, communication, and expression.
  • Life Path: Individuals with Destiny Number 3 are often artistic and sociable. They excel in creative fields and are adept at expressing themselves. Their path involves sharing their talents and bringing joy to others through their artistic endeavors.

Destiny Number 4

  • Characteristics: Stability, practicality, and hard work.
  • Life Path: People with Destiny Number 4 are reliable and disciplined. They are methodical and excel in structured environments. Their purpose is to build solid foundations and bring stability to their endeavors.

Destiny Number 5

  • Characteristics: Freedom, adventure, and change.
  • Life Path: Those with Destiny Number 5 are adaptable and thrive on variety. They seek new experiences and enjoy exploring different paths. Their journey involves embracing change and living life to the fullest.

Destiny Number 6

  • Characteristics: Responsibility, nurturing, and harmony.
  • Life Path: Individuals with Destiny Number 6 are caring and family-oriented. They often take on roles that involve helping and supporting others. Their purpose is to create nurturing environments and promote harmony in their relationships.

Destiny Number 7

  • Characteristics: Introspection, spirituality, and wisdom.
  • Life Path: People with Destiny Number 7 are deep thinkers who seek knowledge and understanding. They are often drawn to spiritual and philosophical pursuits. Their path involves seeking inner wisdom and sharing their insights with others.

Destiny Number 8

  • Characteristics: Power, ambition, and success.
  • Life Path: Those with Destiny Number 8 are driven to achieve and excel. They have a strong sense of purpose and are often successful in their careers. Their journey involves mastering the material world and achieving their goals through hard work and determination.

Destiny Number 9

  • Characteristics: Compassion, humanitarianism, and completion.
  • Life Path: Individuals with Destiny Number 9 are selfless and idealistic. They are often involved in humanitarian efforts and seek to make the world a better place. Their purpose is to serve others and bring about positive change.

Destiny Number 11 (Master Number)

  • Characteristics: Spiritual insight, inspiration, and intuition.
  • Life Path: People with Destiny Number 11 have a heightened sense of intuition and spiritual awareness. They are often seen as visionaries and inspirational leaders. Their path involves using their gifts to uplift and enlighten others.

Destiny Number 22 (Master Number)

  • Characteristics: Master builder, practicality, and vision.
  • Life Path: Those with Destiny Number 22 are capable of turning grand dreams into reality. They have the ability to bring their visions to life through practical means. Their journey involves achieving great things and making a significant impact on the world.

Destiny Number 33 (Master Number)

  • Characteristics: Compassion, healing, and altruism.
  • Life Path: Individuals with Destiny Number 33 are natural healers and teachers. They have a deep desire to help others and often dedicate their lives to service. Their purpose is to bring love and healing to the world through their compassionate actions.
How to find the destiny number for everyone.

Examples of Soul Urge Numbers

The Soul Urge Number shows your inner self, your desires, and what motivates you at a soul level.

Soul Urge Number 1

  • Characteristics: Independence, leadership, and self-reliance.
  • Inner Self: People with Soul Urge Number 1 have a deep desire to be leaders and innovators. They crave independence and the freedom to express their individuality. Their inner drive pushes them to take charge and initiate new projects.

Soul Urge Number 2

  • Characteristics: Cooperation, harmony, and sensitivity.
  • Inner Self: Those with Soul Urge Number 2 desire peace and harmony in their relationships. They have an innate need to connect with others and create balanced partnerships. Their inner self is compassionate and diplomatic, seeking to mediate conflicts.

Soul Urge Number 3

  • Characteristics: Creativity, expression, and joy.
  • Inner Self: Individuals with Soul Urge Number 3 have a strong desire to express themselves creatively. They are driven by a need for joy and happiness, both for themselves and others. Their inner self thrives in artistic pursuits and social interactions.

Soul Urge Number 4

  • Characteristics: Stability, order, and practicality.
  • Inner Self: People with Soul Urge Number 4 crave stability and order in their lives. They are driven by a need for security and practicality, often excelling in structured environments. Their inner self values hard work and reliability.

Soul Urge Number 5

  • Characteristics: Freedom, adventure, and change.
  • Inner Self: Those with Soul Urge Number 5 have an inner desire for freedom and adventure. They are driven by a need for variety and new experiences. Their inner self thrives on change and exploration, seeking to avoid routine and monotony.

Soul Urge Number 6

  • Characteristics: Nurturing, responsibility, and harmony.
  • Inner Self: Individuals with Soul Urge Number 6 are driven by a deep desire to care for others. They seek harmony and balance in their relationships and are often seen as nurturing and responsible. Their inner self is motivated by a need to support and protect.

Soul Urge Number 7

  • Characteristics: Introspection, spirituality, and wisdom.
  • Inner Self: People with Soul Urge Number 7 have a profound inner need for knowledge and spiritual growth. They are introspective and often seek solitude to understand themselves better. Their inner self is driven by a quest for wisdom and enlightenment.

Soul Urge Number 8

  • Characteristics: Ambition, power, and material success.
  • Inner Self: Those with Soul Urge Number 8 have a strong desire for success and recognition. They are driven by ambition and the need to achieve material goals. Their inner self values power and the ability to influence their environment.

Soul Urge Number 9

  • Characteristics: Compassion, humanitarianism, and idealism.
  • Inner Self: Individuals with Soul Urge Number 9 are motivated by a deep sense of compassion and a desire to help others. They are driven by humanitarian ideals and often seek to make the world a better place. Their inner self is altruistic and selfless.

Soul Urge Number 11 (Master Number)

  • Characteristics: Spiritual insight, inspiration, and intuition.
  • Inner Self: People with Soul Urge Number 11 have a heightened sense of intuition and spiritual awareness. They are driven by a need to inspire and uplift others. Their inner self is visionary and often seeks to bring light and wisdom to the world.

Soul Urge Number 22 (Master Number)

  • Characteristics: Vision, practicality, and mastery.
  • Inner Self: Those with Soul Urge Number 22 have a profound inner drive to turn their dreams into reality. They are motivated by a vision of what can be achieved and possess the practicality to make it happen. Their inner self seeks to create lasting impact and mastery.

Soul Urge Number 33 (Master Number)

  • Characteristics: Compassion, healing, and altruism.
  • Inner Self: Individuals with Soul Urge Number 33 are driven by an intense desire to help and heal others. They are motivated by compassion and a deep sense of service. Their inner self is focused on bringing love, healing, and support to those in need.
How to find the soul urge numerology number for anyone.

Next Steps

Both numerology and tarot are all about using our intuition. Trusting yourself and your interpretations is key. Remember, there's no “one right way” to read tarot cards or understand numerology. Your personal insights and experiences will make your readings unique. Let's embrace our own styles and trust our inner wisdom.

FAQ Section

What do the numbers in tarot mean?

In tarot, numbers add extra layers of meaning to each card. Every number from 1 to 10 has its own interpretation. For example, the number 1 is all about new beginnings and leadership, while 10 represents completion and fulfillment.

How do numbers influence tarot card meanings?

Numbers influence the meanings of tarot cards by giving us a way to understand the themes and energies in the cards. The number on a card can show cycles, stages of growth, and patterns in your life. For instance, a card with the number 3 might focus on creativity and growth, while a 7 card could emphasize introspection and spiritual discovery.

Can numerology change the interpretation of a tarot reading?

Absolutely! Numerology can add an extra layer to a tarot reading, making it more detailed. When you understand the numbers in the cards, you can spot underlying themes, potential outcomes, and the meaning of numbers that keep on popping up in a spread.

How do you learn tarot numerology?

Learning numerology and tarot starts with getting to know the basic meanings of numbers 1 through 10 and the Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33. Then, see how these numbers go with the major and minor arcana cards in tarot. Practice is definitely needed and you should start by adding numerology in your readings and see how your interpretation is different.

Is tarot numerology different from regular numerology?

Tarot numerology and regular numerology both use the same basic ideas, but they use them a bit differently. Regular numerology looks at numbers in things like birthdates and names to give insights into personality and destiny. Tarot numerology, on the other hand, uses these number meanings specifically in the context of tarot cards and readings. The core meanings of the numbers are the same, but in tarot, they fit into the symbolism and themes of the cards.

What are master numbers?

Master numbers are special numbers in numerology that have extra power and significance. They include 11, 22, and 33. People with these numbers are thought to have unique talents and higher spiritual insights.

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